Sunday 31 March 2013

When your baby grows more like a bean stalk...

So ladies and gentlemen my son is destined to great heights. I mean it. My hubby is well over six feet and at 5'6" I only have about an inch on my 11 year old. So it should be no shocker that my 11 month old son is 33.5" tall and in the 98th percentile for his height.  This does represent a tiny bit of an issue with the average one size diaper though.

As my little weed grew I soon realized that not all one size diapers are created equal. They all advertise that they fit from 8-35lbs so birth to potty training, but what happens if your 25lber is too tall for the one size diaper? Well at the ripe old age of 11 months quite a few OS diapers don't work for us anymore. My favorite AIO the BumGenius Elemental is a no go. As are Tot Bots, Bummis Bamboozles ( there goes my trusty night time option), Fuzzibuns and a few others. So what am I going to do until potty training?

Well, Charlie Banana OS, BumGenius 4.0 Pockets,  BumGenius Freetimes and Happy Heinys still fit well at this moment in time but they are on the tallest setting for the rise so I am really not sure that they will last all the way through.  I also tried Kawaii and Alva diapers but I am not a big fan of them and their fit.

I recently got introduced to hybrid fitteds like Little Fancy Pants, Diaper Donks and Gray Star Boutique.  These diapers offer a OS option that still seems to fit well but they also have a toddler size that I may need to trade up to depending on when we potty train. These are a fitted diaper with a hidden fleece layer that acts like a fleece cover. Many families can use them coverless for the most part but my little fireman can soak through them quickly so I use a cover.  That being said some covers work better over these than others. My favorites include Capris, Blueberry and Thristies covers. All three of these offer a nice tall rise that has a fair amount of room to grow still.

I also really like sized diapers. At 25lbs the medium Fuzzibuns and Charlie Bananas still fit awesome!  The size guide show mediums to fit up to 30lbs and larges to go from 25-45lbs. I have a few larges and they are still too big on my little man.

So if you are faced with a bean stalk instead of a little weed give these a try:

BumGenius 4.0 pockets
Happy Heinys pockets
Charlie Banana sized pockets
Fuzzibuns sized pockets
Bummis sized prefolds and covers
Little Fancy Pants hybrid fitteds
Diaper Donks hybrid fitteds
Sandy's sized fitteds

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