Friday 15 March 2013

Traveling with your Fluff

So the topic of cloth diapering and travel comes up often, especially as we head towards summer.

I have so far travelled with my fluff twice. I don't find it anymore cumbersome than using disposables. I hate disposables so they are really an absolute last resort, like when my moms wash machine broke down. A few tips to help you with your travels:

1. Are you going to be able to wash while you are on your trip? If no, then you can either swallow big and buy a pack of disposables or.... try the disposable inserts made by either GroVia or Flip. I used both at different times and I like them both. The GroVia has really great leg gussets to hold in messes but I don't like messing with the sticky tabs to put them into the cover. The Flips are thirsty and easy to change but they can shift in the covers. The nice thing is that the covers can be washed by hand and dried easily, so access to a wash machine is not needed.

If you are able to wash then you can pack pretty much what ever you want. I like pockets better for trips because they dry faster than AIO's but it is totally up to you. I would suggest that you take your detergent with you just in case you can't get any while you are there and maybe have a look at the water hardness. You can get a hardness test from most cloth retailers or from Rockin Green for about $1.00.

2. Are you driving, camping, in a hotel or with family?  This can also effect the type of diapers you take with you. I usually drive so again the disposable inserts are great. If I was flying I could just use my regular diapers and wash when I got to my destination. We normally use the disposable inserts on the drive and then wash our regular diapers the rest of the time.

If you are in a hotel you may or may not have access to a wash facility so call ahead and check. With family, it is also a good idea to check that they are cool with you washing at their home.

3. Do you want to do diaper laundry?  Well if you don't then sit back and enjoy your trip and use disposables. The world will go on and you can go back to your usual routine once you get home.

When packing I take about 2 days worth of diapers or 5 covers and enough Disposable inserts to see me through, laundry detergent (sample packs are great), disposable wipes ( I like the GroVia ones), and a wet bag or two.

Regardless of how you diaper on holidays....Enjoy your time and make memories.

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