Thursday 7 March 2013

Daddy Diapers

First of all to all the sceptics out there... Yes men change diapers, even cloth ones! I want to give a HUGE shout out to all the cloth diapering dads. They are not as present as the cloth diaper mommies but they are out there. Dads everywhere have embraced not only diapering their babies but all things involved with babies. If you have a dad to be who is still on the fence about cloth diapers this is for you.

OK first of all, gentlemen, you are about to become a father. Since we now live in 21st century you better get ready because the sidelines are not where you are going to be. You are going to be drooled on, spat up on, puked on, peed on and yes even pooped on. Yes pooped on, regardless of what type of diapers you use.  You are going to encounter some of the grossest things EVER and have the chance to experience the greatest responsibility, raising a helpless infant into a responsible independent person. This journey will be one of the hardest things you will take on but it will be rewarding and filled with love.

With that said why would you want to give cloth a try?

1. It could save you thousands of dollars. Imagine having $2500 to put into an education fund for college. You can. If you buy a modest stash of cloth diapers and stick the money you would spend every week on Pampers into an RESP, you did just that. If you have more kids the savings can be even more.

2. Chances are good your little one will have less rashes. Less rashes means less sore tushies and happier babies. Happier babies also make happier mommies.

3. Generally speaking cloth diapered babies can potty train sooner so ultimately you have to deal with diapers for less time.

4. You are doing good for the environment. You are not sending 6000 disposable diapers to the landfill to sit and well, fester for hundreds of years. There's a great thing to hand your kids, 500 years of garbage.

My husband was on board with cloth but not totally, until.... The road trip. We travelled to see family for a week and had our fluff with us. My moms washer broke the second day we were there so washing for the rest of the week was not an option. We had to get sposies. The only thing hubby remembers is how bad our son smelled every time he peed in the Pampers. He was a convert and now is one of my biggest advocates.

The truth about cloth is that they do NOT leak, they do NOT smell, they ARE easy to use and they ARE a thousand times cuter than sposies.

To make life easier and the transition to cloth painless try diapers that are similar to sposies. Lots of dads prefer All in Ones with velcro closures. Mine doesn't really have a preference to brands and actually found he likes snaps better. When dad is with baby I use a bumGenius Freetime or Elemental with a flushable liner. No spraying off poopy diapers and no unstuffing. Here are some of the most dad friendly diapers:

bumGenius Freetime AIO ( available in snap or velcro)
bumGenius Elemental AIO ( snap)
bumGenius 4.0 pocket (snap or velcro)
Thirsties AIO ( snap or velcro)
Thirsties Duo ( pocket diaper but the insert aggitates out, snap or velcro)

Your man might surprise you though. I have a friend who was sure her hubby would want AIO, turns out he and his siblings were cloth diapered in flats and prefolds.

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