Saturday 18 August 2012

Why on Earth would I use cloth diapers

Why on Earth would anyone use cloth diapers in our modern world of disposables?  Well let's see.... I don't have $2500 that I can send to the landfill,  I hate knowing that my garbage is going to outlive me by like 5 lifetimes at least and I really don't like my baby to have diaper rashes.

$2500!!! People that is what it costs to diaper a baby minimum from birth to potty training and that is not including wipes, lotions and accessories!  I don't know about you but I don't have that kind of money in my back pocket. Especially knowing it is going straight to the landfill.  Depending on the system/brand you go with you could diaper a baby from birth to potty training for $200.  Would you not like having $2300 to put in a college fund for you kids?  Plus when you are done with cloth for baby#1 you can reuse them for #2.  Or you could sell them for like 60 - 70% of what you paid for them... Have you tried selling  a used disposable?

Cloth diapers also don't end up at the landfill for 500+ years... waiting to decompose while festering in bacteria... gross!  Think about all the diapers that you are not sending to the dump by considering/using cloth? Yes there are resources used to make and wash cloth diapers but they do not compare to the resources that are being used to make disposable diapers.  Disposables are not made from recycled paper people!

Now on the last note the jury is still out but in my opinion you have way less diaper rash with cloth than with disposables.  My daughter was allergic to the jell inside of all disposable diapers and had horrid diaper rashes from the time she was born until she potty trained.  I did not know about all the great cloth options at that time and boy I wish I had.  My son has been in cloth for 4 months so far and not even a hint of redness on the bum. 

Cloth diapers today are not what they were 20, 30 years ago... They are not cumbersome square cloths that need to be pinned with rubber pants over top.  They are cute, convenient, easy to use, economical and really not rocket science.  This blog is about my adventures cloth diapering.... 

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