Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Detergent Wars Homemade VS The Other Guys

There is nothing else that I have seen spark a war between cloth diapering moms than what detergent to wash your diapers with. We can calmly discuss brands of diapers, style of diapers, WAHM that we love and accessories we use but pull out the detergent we wash in and I swear we turn into a bunch of Tie Domis and the gloves come off!
One of the things that seems to come up often in the last bit is the debate over homemade laundry detergent on your cloth diapers. A basic homemade detergent contains a mix of soap ( Fels-Naptha, Sunlight, Ivory or Castile soap), borax ( often omitted from CD recipes), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium carbonate ( washing soda) and sodium percarbonate ( oxyclean).
Here is a link to a blog that has a few different homemade recipes:

Ok so this all looks good right? Well "soaps" can cause a build up on your diaper fibres as they are not as easy to rinse out as the cleaning agents found in detergent, so it is often advised that you don't use them for diapers. Ok so you leave out the soap. Well that leaves you with a mix of boosters but no real cleaning agent right? That couldn't possibly clean diapers, you better stick with a cloth diaper safe detergent right? But wait! Have you looked at what was in your CD safe detergent?  Here is a list of the more common ones on the market.

Crunchy Clean http://www.crunchyclean.com/
Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)
Sodium Carbonate ( washing soda)
Oxy clean

Happy Green Life  http://stores.ahappygreenlife.com/

Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)
Sodium Carbonate ( washing soda)
Sodium Percarbonate ( oxy clean)

Lulu's in the Fluff  http://www.glamourwash.com/

Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)
Sodium Carbonate ( washing soda)
Sodium Percarbonate ( oxy clean)

Laundry Tarts http://www.thelaundrytarts.com/

Baking Soda
Washing Soda
Sodium percarbonate
sea salt
Rosemary extract
plant extract
Essential oils

Are you seeing the pattern?  Most of these detergents are essentially homemade laundry detergent! I also looked at Country Save, Rockin Green, Eco Sprouts, Nellies Washing Soda and Charlie's Soap, these detergents contain surfactants in addition to the basic baking soda, washing soda, oxyclean recipes. Kind of makes you wonder...

So where does this leave you? Well you have a decision to make, just like with all things cloth diapering  You can certainly try homemade on your diapers, many families do use it successfully or you can stick to purchased detergents.  I personally have used homemade on clothes but not on diapers. I don't think that homemade packs enough of a punch to clean diapers without surfactants. The detergents that I have had the best luck with are ones that have cleaners in it in addition to the basics.

Detergent choice is just that, a choice. Each family has to make their own based on what is right for them. What works for me and what I feel good using may not work for you or you may hate the idea of company XYZ... The bottom line? Clean diapers are a must! If you like your homemade detergent stick with it, if you like your store brought green stuff... stick with it, if you like your Tide... stick with it.

Happy Fluff!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Detergent with Attitude

Hey all,

I know it has been a LONG while since I posted. It has been nuts with my older one in a new school, me going back to work full time and well, everything else to do with a toddler.

I have been happily using my Country Save but I decided that I wanted to do a trial run with something else so I began snooping around to see what else was out there that looked good enough to try. Well.... Well.ca just began carrying the Attitude line of personal care and cleaning products. So off I went to research Attitude.

Here is the link to their website:

According to the web this product Features:
  • Carcinogen free ingredients or by-products (IARC group 1 & 2)
  • Free of 1,4-dioxane and ethylene oxide, tested by independent laboratory
  • Certified eco-friendly by EcoLogo, the most recognized certification in North America
  • CO2 neutral: no contribution to climate change
  • Vegetable-based and biodegradable (OECD 301)
  • Free of enzymes and optical brighteners
  • Fragrance derived from natural ingredients, hypoallergenic, respect IFRA (International Fragrance Association) standards
  • Fragrance without CMR (Carcinogens, Mutagens or toxic for Reproduction) compounds
  • Designed to work in both HE (High Efficiency) & Standard machines
  • Not tested on animals
  • Vegan product
  • Septic tank safe
  • Made in Canada

Ok So far so good. I liked that they linked their MSDS sheet and listed all the ingredients on the web and the back of the bottle. So they seem to be upfront about what they are using to make this stuff and I can understand the information.  So I got a bottle to try.

I have been using this for 2 weeks or so on both cloth and my regular laundry. So far so good. I like that it has a subtle scent that does not stay behind on clothes unless I hang dry them, which I do with shirts and pants. I have a large top loading machine so I am using 2 capfull per load. It does a nice job in cold water on my regular clothes and other than 1 stain that it left behind on diapers there too. Now that stain was a pretty monstrous diaper so I am sure just about any detergent would have needed a hand getting it cleaned out. The diapers smelled nice and clean out of the wash and out of the dryer also. I don't add anything else in when I test a detergent just to see what it can actually do and with this I don't think I would need to add anything ever. It even got tomato soup out of B's shirt on the first go.

I did find it suds up lots in the wash cycle but even the built in rinse cycle ran clear so it is a clean rinsing detergent. From what I see it is not available in stores here but well.ca does ship it to all of Canada free when you order over $25.00. 

If you are after an inexpensive detergent that is versatile enough to use on all your laundry, in all temperatures and is scented ( I do love Nature Clean Liquid for unscented detergent) this is a good one to try.