So I have been a bit MIA lately. I just recently returned to work and it has taken a bit to re jig the schedule to fit everything in.... oh and sleep.
Well my little man passed his first birthday and the 35" mark in his height and he is fast approaching that magical 30lb mark when many OS diapers stop fitting well.
As it sits right now Happy Heiny Pockets, most BumGenius diapers, sized Charlie Bananas and Fuzzibuns are basically the diapers that fit him OK. The BumGenius are on their way to be too short in the rise though so I decided to branch out a bit.
As we approached the toddler age and B has started to hold in his pee and then flood the diaper I am finding myself leaning more towards fitteds and prefolds.
I recently re-did my stash at home and have switched over to prefolds and fitteds. I am really loving my Motherease OS and Sandy's fitteds. The OS fit perfectly and have a fair bit of room to grow. They come in 4 fabric options including 100% organic cotton, cotton terry blend, bamboo, and stay dry inner on a cotton blend outer.
The great thing about Motherease products is that they last through several babies. They are one of the most durable and reliable diapers on the market in my opinion. This one has seen 3 babies through potty training and still works amazingly well. I do use a snap in booster as the core is a bit thinned out but still really absorbent and soft.
I am also loving my Sandy's fitteds also by Motherease, especially for overnight. They are available in 4 sizes, newborn, small, large and toddler. The larges are still a great fit and the toddler ones have enough room that they can easily last until potty training.
This is a bamboo Sandy's in a size large 20-35lbs. The snaps are at the side and honestly it took me a few tries to get the snapping technique down pack. But now I find them as easy as any other diaper. These again are really sturdy and will see you through several children before needing to be replaced. You can also purchases added booster to give you more absorbency if you need it.
In the prefold department I am favouring my Grovia and Bummis ones the most. The Grovia is a bamboo cotton blend and it stays amazingly soft even after many washes and line drying. They are available in 4 sizes to fit all the way up to 40lbs. With Bummis, I like that they also fit big enough that they can still be snappied. They are 100% unbleached cotton. Both of these ones clean up really easily, are not super bulky and are crazy thirsty.
I am a bit sad to say goodbye to most of my Hybrid fitteds. I really loved all of them and de-stashing them was next to impossible. BUT they started getting too small and not working without a cover. I managed to get down to 14 that I just love too much to part with. I kept my heavy duty hard shell windpro from TimButt2oos and Gray Star Boutique. These are 2 of my favourite WAHM's. Both of these ladies make a toddler size windpro. I love these for overnight and nap times as well. Many moms can use any windpro but I prefer the heavier weight hard shell ones. I can use these cover-less.
So this just left 1 small issue. Daycare. They are cloth friendly but requested an All In One or a pocket. Well, even though they fit well, I am not loving Fuzzibuns and Charlie Bananas at the moment. I did like the smalls and mediums but there seems to be a HUGE size difference between the medium and the large. The mediums are 15-30lbs and the larges are supposed to be 25-45lbs. Well the hip to waist ration on the larges is not working for us at the moment at all and the mediums are way too short. Like plumbers butt short. So I am experimenting with other options. I got a pair of Xlg Motherease All in Ones and they are awesome. They are for babies over 35lbs but fit like a glove on the smallest setting. I took them into daycare and they are totally willing to use them as long as I still supply the flushable liners. I was a bit worried that the side snaps, like that of the Sandy`s fitted, were going to put them off. I will get a review up once I get a few more in the rotation and use them for a bit longer.
I also looked into the large baby size pockets designed by Hip Huggers diapers. These are a pocket diaper for babies 20-50lbs with a nice gusset at the legs to help hold things all in. I am excited to see how they turn out.