Wednesday, 26 June 2013


So here is another one of my favorite WAHM made diapers. Timbutt2oos! 

This awesome lady makes several different styles of diapers including pockets, fitteds, hybrid fitteds and covers.

I first got one of her pocket diapers because they have a slightly higher rise than other one size diapers and with my super tall son that is definitely a feature I look for.

This diaper has 4 different rise options using the snaps on the front of the diaper. This still fits my son well at 35" although he is on the tallest rise setting now.

There are 4 snaps on each of the flaps giving you a large range of adjustment in the thigh and the waist.

The inside is a super soft fleece which draws the moisture away from your baby's skin making it stay dry. The pocket opening is at the back and it is generously sized so that you can stuff it with whatever you want. I like using cotton flour sack towels or bamboo prefolds best. I like that I don't have to squeeze my hands in to stuff the inserts in flat.

I like the overall fit well too. It is not too bulky if you stuff it with a trim insert but it does give you good coverage so that it's not like your baby is wearing a diaper thong.

The second style I tried was her hybrid fitteds. These quickly became one of my favorite and most absorbent diapers.  They are a OS diaper with a fold down rise to adjust the height of the diaper. She has recently added a bigger size as well for toddlers or older children who are still potty learning. I believe the tiny newborn size is in the works still.

This, like other hybrid fitteds, has a hidden layer of fleece so it is like a fitted and a fleece cover all in one piece. I can actually go coverless in these for a few hours where as my other hybrids get wet through in about an hour or so. This is the old style soaker, the soaker snaps into the back of the diaper and the booster just lays inside. She has recently changed the design to a snap in snake style soaker and a snap in booster. The inner is a soft cotton velour.

Even without the booster these are super thirsty. The ones I have are made of bamboo and bamboo fleece. I use them without the booster for everyday use and with the booster for nap times. If I am going out I do put a cover over it.

Then I tried her night time bamboo fitted and OMG! It is absorbent, soft and trim fitting. I was really impressed. It has the same snake style soaker with the added booster.

The inside is the same nice plush cotton velour that is used in the hybrids. This isn't stay dry but it is super soft against the skin and it stays soft even with repeat washes. These are so squishy and soft I just want to hug them.

The fitteds are also a OS diaper with a fold down rise to adjust the height of the diaper. These need a cover.
If I knew then, when I was building my stash, what I know now, I would have gotten most of my fitted stash from Timbutt2oos and Diapers by Chris (another one of my favorite WAHMs).  I truly appreciate that this WAHM is willing to work with me  as I need some sizing adjustments to accommodate my tall baby. The diapers are made from high quality materials and the workmanship is great.
I only have 2 complaints about Timbutt2oos.
1. I only need so many diapers and she keeps getting super cute prints for diapers.
2. US Post and Canada Post take too long to get them here! It is only about 2 weeks shipping but man it is like torture!
Check out her facebook page and her store on Hyena Cart for details on prices, shipping, group and custom orders.


Sunday, 23 June 2013

My Top 5 Pet Peeves with Cloth

So everyone has their own pet peeves about various things, I have to say that my CD pet peeves really bug me. Like sky rocketing blood pressure bug me. I would like to share my top 5 of these with you all.

5. Complicated Wash Routines

This one can really get under my skin. Cloth diapers are supposed to be easy and convenient. Adding a bunch of things into a routine just complicates things  too much. If your detergent isn't doing the job of cleaning your diapers you are either not using enough detergent or you are using the wrong one. If a detergent wasn't cleaning your laundry well you would switch detergents right? So why not with diaper laundry?

4. Unnecessary Additives

Things like Dawn, RLR, Vinegar, Washing Soda ect drive me nuts!!! You don't need them. If you have a build up from soap what is the point of adding more soap to the mix? RLR is good for removing mineral build up but at the end of the day you still have to do repeat hot washes to get it all out of the fibres so why add it in? A few hot washes on their own will remove build up just the same. Then there's washing soda. It is hard on fabrics and it is a major skin irritant. If it is not all rinsed away correctly it can cause major rashes and you may have fixed one issue but you now created a new one.

This ties into the above too in that if your detergent isn't doing the job you expect then why add in oxyclean, bleach or whatever? Why not just switch to a detergent that works.

3. Dawn to strip soap build up

This one deserves it's own point because this one makes me boil. Dawn is a degreaser, so it is great if you got a greasy non cloth safe diaper cream on your diaper and need to get it off. But if you are having stink issues and need to remove soap build up why on earth would you add Dawn to the mix. I know many moms use it, swear by it and get really heated about this. That's ok, you can use what works for you but it is not necessary and I don't have the time to mess around with rinsing all the Dawn out of my diapers. Using dishsoap in your wash machine can also void your warranty too so keep that in mind if you have a new machine.

2. Tide

This is touchy. I know many people use and love Tide I get that, I don't use, love or recommend it usually. I stopped using it for moral reasons and have kept from using it because it turns out my youngest is sensitive to it. He breaks out in blisters if he is exposed to fabric washed in it.
Tide is full of additives and harsh chemicals that can cause cancer and genetic disorders. I cloth diaper to be  green and help the planet so why would I dump poison into the water each time I wash laundry? I don't mind if you use Tide, it is your decision. It does drive me insane when people behave as if Tide was the Holy Grail, The end all be all of detergents. It's not. You can cloth diaper without stains, stink or issues and not use Tide.

and finally:

1. When Bloggers suggest outrageous and unsafe things to do with your diapers. This would include using Fish Tank Ammonia Remover for stink and Iron Out for stains. I am baffled that so many people follow blogs and never take a second to look into things a bit deeper. Do you know what is in the product you are about to use on clothing that goes against the most sensitive area on your baby? Do you know the side effects of exposure to these ingredients? Do you know what happens when these things get dumped into the waterways? Is it tested safe for human use? You don't know? Then don't use it! You need to be an educated consumer and know what it is you are buying into.
You should do some homework too because I have come across cloth experts who never cloth diaper they just repeat what they read on other blogs, or ones who only cloth diapered part time for a few months, quit, but are now dishing out advice.

These are my top 5, what are yours?