Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Diapers By Chris

So here is another WAHM whose diapers I tried.  Diapers By Chris is hand  made by Chris Fannin out of the US.  She makes pockets, AIO, and Fitteds.

I tried out her pocket diapers first. They are a one size diaper and would fit really well if my little one wasn't so tall in the torso.  Because of his height he outgrew most OS diapers already and he is only 26lbs. I did love these pockets while they fit. They were really nice and trim and the pocket was wide enough to stuff with a variety of inserts. I don't like microfiber so I usually use either bamboo or cotton inserts. The inner is suede cloth but I believe she can make them with fleece instead of micro suede.


I like how the flap opening is nicely finished unlike Fuzzibunz or Happy Heineys. I also like the snap placement, I always got a good snug fit.
Then I tried her bamboo fitteds for night time
This is also a OS diaper. Now because my son is so tall, Chris was nice enough to add a bit extra to the rise of the diaper to fit. This is all bamboo. After it is fully prepped it is a super trim and absorbent option for overnight. Pair it with a good cover and you are all set.
The soaker snaps in at the back and it is a long snake style so that you can fold it in a number of ways to boost the absorbency where you need it most. In the morning the front would be wet but the back half dry. It cleans up really well and it is easy to care for. Some of my other bamboo fitteds like to hold onto the stink but this one is great. The only thing I didn't like about it that after a 12 hour night the front would be wet and it would get really hard. It didn't seem to bother my baby but occasionally he did have a red mark on the inner thigh.  I recently got a second one of these from Chris and after I mentioned that it was getting hard she suggested adding cotton velour to the inside of the diaper and the top of the soaker. She also added a bit more to the rise of the diaper. I LOVE it. It is super soft and absorbent.
The diapers are all very reasonably priced and are an excellent quality. I would recommend these to anyone looking for a night worthy option. Check out her page on Facebook, you won't regret it.

Monday, 20 May 2013

K.I. Baby Blues

After the first few months of cloth diapers a friend introduced me to WAHM diapers and covers. A WAHM is a Work At Home Mom. Most of these ladies have online stores set up with Etsy, Hyena Cart of facebook. One of the very first WAHM products I ever got my hands on were fleece covers made by K.I. Baby Blues. K.I. Baby Blues operates mostly on facebook and she makes fleece and wool covers, shorties and longies and other fleece and wool items.

Fleece covers, shorties and longies are basically a fleece diaper cover. Fleece is easy to care for, after each use just toss into the wash with your other diapers. You do not need to lanolize it the way you need to with wool. It is a synthetic material but it allows for better air circulation than the traditional PUL diaper cover.

This is one of her fleece soakers. It fits like a diaper cover over a fitted or a snappied prefold. I use these overnight over my Sandy's fitteds or my Little Fancy Pants fitteds. 

On the inside there are 2 options. She can make them as a single layer of fleece and extra reinforcement in the wet zone or she can make them like this, with a double layer of fleece. I like mine with a double layer because my son is a really heavy wetter overnight. He also sleeps about 11-13 hours. I have never had a leak with these. I love how soft they are.
Here is an example of her wool soaker. This is made out of a wool sweater and it has extra reinforcements in the wet zone.
The soaker comes to you ready to use. Because it is wool it needs special washing and lanolizing. You can't just toss this into your washer the way you can with fleece. Wool is a natural fibre, is naturally antibacterial and it can hold up to 30% of it's weight in fluids. Wool also helps control the temperature around your baby's bottom. This makes wool a great choice for summer time.
To order from K.I. Baby Blues check out her facebook page with all her fabric options. You select the fabric, the colour of the waist bands, the height of the waist band and the size. She provides excellent customer service and stays in touch with you through out the process. My son is really tall in the torso and not only did she make my soakers based on my sons measurements she also went above and beyond and found me specific fabric.  Her turn around is a few weeks because I am in the far north and she is in the US but these are well worth the wait. The soakers are under $10-12 plus shipping and that is a really great price, especially for the quality. I cannot say enough nice things about these.
Here is my little man in his custom Finding Nemo soaker, all ready for bed.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Cloth Diapers meet the Older Sibling

So I often hear moms on cloth diaper groups talk about "daddy friendly" diapers and getting hubby on board and all that. Well let me tell you some of my best cloth stories don't involve my husband. They involve my 11 year old daughter.

She is a big environmentalist. She organizes garbage clean up days, Earth Day projects, she advocates for animal rights (she is 1 reason Tide no longer lives here) and I dare you to say anything bad about Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherds in her presence.  She was totally into the cloth diaper idea. Now she has actually called dibs on some of her brothers diapers for when he is done with them. She has also tried to get me to buy diapers for my son because they would go well with the décor in her room....  hmm  don't know about that one.

In the beginning she was a little nervous about changing diapers in general. For her I had my trusty BumGenius 4.0 pockets and Freetimes with Velcro. Well then she got a hang of it and it was all good. She didn't do poopy diapers though. 

One day she was playing with her brother and I hoped in the shower. She comes and tells me he needs a change and that she can do it as long as it is a pee diaper. I said OK go for it.  a second or two later I hear "MOM!!!!!!!   HELP!!!!!!" I am thinking O my God the baby fell or something awful happened. So out I jump from the shower with shampoo on my head grab a towel and go running into the nursery. To find what?  Well a confused looking baby on the change table with his diaper half off with his sister looking mighty green beside him. Turns out as she was opening his diaper he was in the middle of a poop. A big one! Yup he pooped on her hand as she was wiping his bum. I can't NOT laugh... then she says in a most matter of fact manner " This child S**T on me!"  Not poop, crap, doodoo, nope s**t.  At that I lost it. I was laughing so hard I cried.

After a few more months she decided that poopies were not that bad after all. Maybe because we started solids so they were more plopable. Or because she liked the diaper sprayer. She insisted on spraying all the poopy diapers. Hey not arguing with that one. One time she was doing just that as I was getting baby dressed to go out and I hear a scream from the bathroom and we go running in. She had the head of the sprayer pointed so that when it sprayed it sprayed the wall not the diaper.  So she cleaned my bathroom wall but not the poopy diaper. 

In general I have to say I am blessed with an amazing girl, after all how many sisters get pooped on and then go back for more diaper changes?

If you have any stories about older siblings with cloth diapers please share. Someday's we just need  a laugh.